
A warm welcome to my website! I am a tenure-track professor at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, spokesperson of the Stuttgart Research Focus “Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems” (SRF IRIS), head of the Department of Teaching and Learning with Intelligent Systems, and co-director of the Artificial Intelligence Software Academy (AISA). My team and I are part of the Cyber Valley ecosystem, Europe’s largest AI research consortium.

At the interdisciplinary intersection of cognitive psychology, human-computer interaction, instructional design, and artificial intelligence, we apply a portfolio of experimental lab, field, and online studies, user-centered software development, and modeling and simulation approaches, to design, implement, and evaluate responsible, user-adaptive, assistive technologies. So far, we focused on learning and training contexts but increasingly extend our research to various technical domains such as single-pilot operations, digital health, sustainable product development, or industrial robotics. Ongoing and evolving research projects cover basic and applied perspectives related to underlying cognitive processes, user characteristics, and context factors. They involve, but are not limited to, the following aspects:

  • Modeling and simulation of human cognition with cognitive and connectionist approaches
  • Advanced statistical models of cross-section and longitudinal data (including multilevel models, time series, structural equation models)
  • Assessment and modeling of distraction, resumption, and attention control in applied contexts
  • Design and implementation of adaptive assistive systems based on predictive analytics and cognitive science
  • Multimodal assessment of cognitive load by secondary tasks, speech, eye and mouse tracking, and physiological parameters
  • Supporting individual differences in human-computer interaction (e.g., affinity for technology, cognitive development, neurodiversity)
  • Exploring cognitive mechanisms of human trust, AI-generated bias, and critical reflection in interaction with intelligent systems

Feel free to get in contact with me if you are interested in my research or want to work with me!